The vehicle with the license plate number DL02YY5690 comes from Delhi, India.
The vehicle with the numberplate DL02YY5690 comes from New Delhi District:Tilak Marg, R.M.L.Hospital, Chanakya Puri, Parliament St., Sucheta Kriplani Hospital, Tughlaq Road, Boat Club, Mandi House, North Avenue Panchkuian Road, Kali Bari Marg, South Avenue, Gole Market, Rabinder Nagar, Malcha Marg, Connaught Place, Kaka Nagar. It was registered by the Deputy Directorate Zonal Office in Indraprastha Depot.
To spell out DL02YY5690 with the International Spelling Alphabet, use:
Delta Lima Zero Two Yankee Yankee Five Six Niner Zero